Air-freight unlocking sheepmeat opportunities 22 May 2019 Evolving demand, shifting flight paths and changing production [...]
A draft document with regards to guidelines for the transportation of live animals by sea, [...]
The South African Veterinary Association (SAVA) represents more than 60% of all veterinarians in South [...]
These two goals in livestock farming are sometimes seen as mutually exclusive, but his is [...]
LAWA fully supports the NSPCA’s resistance to the export of livestock by seas to overseas [...]
AL SHUWAIK IN 1978 AND 1988 The Al Shuwaik came into the news when it [...]
PRESS RELEASE BY LAWA, 2019-01-3 SHEEP SUFFER ON SMART SHIPS In 1995 the then Minister [...]
SABS STANDARD FOR GAME AND WILD ANIMALS LAWA was requested by the South African Bureau [...]